Definition of Subject Verb Agreement rules in Hindi
किसी भी Sentences में Subject के Number तथा Person के अनुसार Verb का प्रयोग Subject Verb Agreement कहलाता है।
(1) - Singular Subject के साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है।
Singular Subject - I (मैं ), You(तुम), He (वह), She(वह), It (यह), Ram(राम ), Seeta (सीता), The Boy (लड़का), The Girl (लड़की).
Singular Verbs - Am, Is, Was, Has, Do, Does, Did, Has, Have, Had, Writes, Drinks, Reads.
Exp- Mohan was always late.
यहाँ पर Mohan एक Sinular Noun है जिसके साथ Sinular Verb "was" का प्रयोग हुआ है।
(2)- Plural Subject क़े साथ Plural Verb का प्रयोग होता है।
Plural Subject- We(हमलोग), You(तुम), They(वे), Ram(राम), Syam(स्याम), Geeta(गीता), Seeta(सीता), The Boys(लडके), The Girls(लड़कियां).
Plural Verb- Are, Were, Have, Has, Do, Writes, Drink, Read.
Exp - They are playing cricket.
यहां पर They, Plural Subject है जहाँ पर Plural Verb (Are ) का प्रयोग होता है।
Note- निये दिए गए नियम को अवस्य पढ़ें।
- Noun में s/es लगाने से वह Plural Noun बन जाता है।
- Verb में s/es लगाने से वह Singular Verb बन जाता है।
- I am a teacher. (मै एक शिक्षक हूँ )..
- I was a student. (मै एक विद्यार्थी हूँ ).
- I have a cycle. ( मेरे पास एक cycle है ).
- I write a letter. (मै पत्र लिखता हूँ ).
- You are a student.
- you are engineers.
- You go there.
- You were playing.
- She needn't go there.
- He daren't oppose his father.
- He daren't come here.
- You needn't go there.
Hindi Meaning of Need & Dare
Dare- हिमत होना
Need - जरुरत होना
इसका प्रयोग Main Verb में निचे दिए गए तरीके किया जाता है -
- He dares to face the difficulty.
- He dares to oppose his teacher.
- He dares to oppose his father.
- She needs to come here.
- She needs a book.
- They need books.
- He does not dare to go out of the sun.
- She does not need a book.
- I do not need a pen.
Rule(4) Suppositional Sentences (कल्पना अथवा असंभव सर्त वाले वाक्य) में हमेशा Plural Verb Were का प्रयोग होता है।
Suppositional Words- If, as if, as though, if only, Suppose, I wish, He wishes etc.
- I wish Manisha were my life.
- If He were my boss, he would suspend me.
- Raman talks to me as if he were the general manager of NIPPO Company.
- If you come here, I will teach you.
- Sneha looks as though she has been working.
- Long live our friendship.
- God save the king.
Rule(6) यदि दो Singular Noun "and" से Sentence के Subject के रूप में जुड़ें हों तो इनके साथ Plural Verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे -
- Ravi and Kavi have done well in the examination.
- A boy and a girl love each other.
- Bread and butter (ब्रेड और मख्खन)
- Rice and curry (चावल और करी)
- Hammer and sickle (हथौड़ा और दराती)
- Slow and steady (धीमी और स्थिर)
- Truth and honesty (सच्चाई और ईमानदारी )
- Horse and carriage (घोडा और घोडा गाड़ी )
- Crown and glory ( मुकुट और महिमा )
- Rise and fall (उत्थान और पतन )
- Coming and going (आना और जाना )
- Screaming and shouting (चीखना और चिलाना )
- Age and experience (उम्र और अनुभव )
- Eggs and bacon (सूअर का मांस )
- Ham and eggs (सूअर का मांस और अंडे )
- Long and shorts (लम्बा और छोटा )
- Sum and substance (योग और पदार्थ )
- Bag and baggage (झोला और भीखारी )
- Bread and butter is my favourite Breakfast.
- Rice and curry is a popular dish.
- The principle and secretory was there.(यहाँ एक हीं व्यक्ति प्राचार्य और सचिव दोनों है )
- My uncle and guardian has come to see me.(यहाँ एक ही व्यक्ति चाचा और गार्जियन दोनों है )
- A Poet and philosopher has come.(यहाँ एक ही व्यक्ति कवी और दार्शनिक दोनों है )
- My mother and father are proud of me.
- Your uncle and aunt want to settle in Delhi.
- The princple and the secretory were there. (यहाँ Principle और Secretory दो अलग अलग लोग है )
- My uncle and my guardian have come to see me. (यहाँ Uncle और Guardian दो अलग - अलग लोग है )
- A Poet and A Philosopher have come. (यहाँ poet और philosopher दो अलग -अलग लोग है )
- A black and white cat was mewing.
- A black and white dog was barks.
- A black and a white cat were mewing.
- A black and a white dog were barks.
- Each/Every + 1st singular Noun and 2nd Singular noun
- Each/Every + 1st singular Noun and +Each/Every + 2nd Singular noun
- Each/Every
- Each of / Either of /Nither of + Plural Noun / Plural Pronoun
- Each/Every/Either/Nither + Singular Countable Noun
- Each pen and pencil is red.
- Each pen and each pencil is red.
- Every boy and girl is laborious.
- Every boy and every girl is laborious.
- Each has a pen.
- Either of these four pens is red.
- Either of these two boys is gentle.
- Nither of you Knows english.
- Nither of these two students is laborious.
- Each of them was a robber.
- Each boy was handsome.
- Either pen write well.
- Each - प्रत्येक
- Every - प्रत्येक
- Either - दो में से कोई एक
- Nither- दो में से कोई भी नहीं
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